September 9, 2009 (15 years ago)

How To Forward Port 80 for a Web Server via TP-Link TL-R402M Cable/DSL Router

Configure the cable/dsl/router to allow access to a web server in the LAN.

Port forwarding in the TP-Link TL-R402M Cable/DSL Router is quick and easy but successfully allowing incoming connections to your web server requires correct configuration of other devices such as a modem/router. If the router is linked to a modem, make sure port forwarding in the modem works well by connecting it directly to the computer first and test if your web server is accessible from outside. (See the tutorial on How To Forward Port 80 for a Web Server via ProLink H9200 ADSL Modem/Router)

If everything went well, connect your router and reconfigure the modem to forward port 80 to the router's IP address instead of the computer's. It will be the router this time who will do the final forwarding to the computer's IP address. This is very similar to a bucket brigade setup where a group of firemen stands in line and passes over the bucket hand to hand to the next fireman and finally the water inside it is thrown to the fire.

  1. Using your internet browser, go to the router's configuration page at The default username/password is admin/admin.
  2. In the menu at the left column, click on Forwarding. This will take us to the Virtual Servers page.
  3. In the Common Service Port: dropdown, select HTTP(80). Click Copy To button. This will create a new virtual server entry in the list above specific for a web server running at port 80.
  4. Enter the host address of the computer running the web server in the box under IP Address. Make sure Enable checkbox is checked.
  5. Click Save button.

Now test your web server if it is accessible from outside.